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Team Challenge Maze

Setup: Use cones/coloured spots and place them down to form a grid that is 5×5 cones, thus a total of 25 cones used. I usually allow 1m between cones but this can be adjusted depending on space available.

How to play: The children are split up into groups of anywhere between 4 to 8 depending on numbers available. One child from the group is the designated map-reader. The map-reader stands at the opposite side of the marked maze, keeping the map hidden from view of their team. The rest of the team then take turns trying to work out the correct path through the maze. The children can only move sideways, forwards or backwards (no diagonals).

  • Child one walks to the start square and stands inside it.

  • Child one decides if they want to move forwards/sideways and does so.

  • If they guess correct, the map-reader calls ‘YES!’ then they continue.

  • If incorrect then the map reader calls out ‘NO!’ This child then joins their team in the line.

  • Another member of the team then approaches the start square and follows in their teammates footsteps to the point the error occurred. They then choose a different path.

  • If correct they continue.

  • If incorrect then the next team member takes over.

This is a continuous process until the team correctly navigate their way through the maze. Once successful, they swap map-readers and are given a new maze to solve. You can then add in progressions such as limits on communication (only non-verbal allowed) and even have races between teams to see who can finish their maze the quickest.

(Taken from The PE Umbrella)


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