Why PE teachers are the gatekeepers of the future health and well-being of students
As PE teachers, we have the opportunity to try to influence students to make healthy choices before they encounter these issues. It can...
Fundamental Tips for Teaching Throwing and Catching!
Catching and throwing are complex motor patterns. Most complex skills should be practiced at normal speed. Whereas some locomotor skills...
Teaching Decision Making (Part 2)
D. GIVE FEEDBACK ON CHILDREN's DECISIONS In the same way that teachers provide feedback on motor skill performance, so they should also...
Teaching Decision Making (Part 1)
Decision making is an important thinking skill across PE content areas. All game tactics require students to make decisions. In...
Strategies for Reducing Off Task Behavior
The following strategies may prove helpful in minimizing off task behavior in the physical education classroom : Teaching Skills You Can...
Outdoors Teaching 1 on 1
At my current school, i have three teaching areas: A tiny gym, a tiny classroom and a medium-size outdoor football pitch. Of course these...
Creating a Formative Assessment Culture in your Classroom
Formative assessment is nothing new. Educators have been consciously or unconsciously assessing student understanding informally for...
The Benefits of Teaching with Stations
There are many struggles that come with being a physical education teacher. Luckily, there are techniques and solutions to minimize some...
Back to Basics: Students' Organisation
Organising students during a lesson is an essential skill that needs to be developed by PE teachers. There are two main types...
Adapting to limited resources
Teaching overseas is a fantastic experience, as one must step outside of their comfort zone as you travel to different countries and...