Integrating Mindfulness in Your Classroom Curriculum
Now more than ever, teaching mindfulness in the classroom is a necessity. Our children are stressed and anxious. Teachers and parents are...
How to make drills that work for your team
Introduction At almost every coach’s clinic that I teach, be it local, national or international in scope, most of the coaches in...
Animal warm-up
Add some fun and creativity to your warm-ups with this animal warm-up. It is perfect for your youngest students! Set up 4 or more cones...
Teaching Swimmers Breaststroke for the First Time
Teaching young age group or novice high school swimmers how to swim legal and pretty breaststroke is a good challenge requiring a...
How to Swim the Freestyle
BODY POSITION BODY POSITION IN FREESTYLE The head should be down with the eyes looking directly at the bottom of the pool. This position...
Creative Games for Beanbag Activities (Part 2)
FOUR COLOR TAG - Beanbags of four different colors - One beanbag per student - Students scattered in general space - Music While music...
Use Questioning to Extend Students' Thinking
When questioning students, teachers need to require more than simple recall. While recall of facts is important, teachers should actively...
20 Simple Ideas for Kindergarten P.E. with Minimal Equipment
1. STAR JUMPS. No equipment. All class. Warm-up: Say ‘Arms out!’ and jump, landing with your arms and legs out like a star. Shout ‘Arms...
What To Do After Warm-Up?
WARM-UP After the warm-up, the players should stretch together as a team, led by the coaches, trainers, captains, or instructed players....
During training it is best for the coach to introduce components of the stroke rather than teaching/coaching long distances or repeats of...