Luck of the draw

All you need is a standard deck of cards and 4 different exercises that meet your goal and space requirement. And music, of course, because everyone loves music!
This is a very simple activity, that if done correctly can hit both muscular endurance and also cardiovascular endurance, depending on the types of exercises you choose for each suit in the deck of cards. I teach high school students and in 15 minutes they are able to complete the entire deck. Typically half of the class performs this activity and the remainder of the class is on spin bikes. We also utilize this workout as a way to keep students waiting in line moving. Our goal is to keep all of our students active, so we use the deck of cards as a way to accomplish this goal.
How it works:
Designate one exercise for each of the four suits in the deck and print it out on a piece of paper.
Examples: Diamonds = Dolphin Planks, Spades = Crunches, Hearts = Lunge Jumps, and Clubs = Mountain Climbers
Shuffle the deck and have students flip over 1 card at a time
Students complete the number of reps provided on the card
Numbered cards are the number on the card
Face cards (Jacks, Queens, and Kings) are 10 reps and the Ace is 11
Examples: 7 of Diamonds = 7 Dolphin Planks, 2 of Spades = 2 Crunches, King of Hearts = 10 Lunge Jumps
Change up the excercises every couple of weeks. Keep the old cards so you can resuse them in the future.
Example: Hearts = chair squats, Diamonds = ski jumps, Spades = rocket jumps, and Clubs = seal jacks.
Using cards is a simple way to get a large number of students active in any space you have available and it is very inexpensive. As for the exercises, the sky is the limit on what you can have students do for each suit and I encourage you to let students help in deciding, because they will have a feeling of empowerment and are more likely to complete the task! ENJOY!