Steps For Planning a Lesson
Planning is a key ingredient in the development of a good lesson. To varying degrees, teachers plan before, during, and after a lesson....

Front Crawl Drills and Breathing rules
Flutter Kick Deck Drills - good for warm-ups Stand on a step or side of the pool if possible so one leg can swing back and forth without...

Creating a Learning Environment
“Failure to prepare is preparing to fail” Good teachers are always in a state of preparation. Being alert to new approaches and fresh...

Can Students Really Peer Teach?
As part of the Instructional Methods for PE (IM4PE) within my #PEPLC group I decided to research further into the use of one type of...

Maintaining Order
Once established, the order of the learning environment must be maintained for learning to proceed progressively and smoothly....

Strategies for Effective Lesson Planning
A lesson plan is the instructor’s road map of what students need to learn and how it will be done effectively during the class time....

When Dolphin kick isn’t dolphin kick
Butterfly needs to have a dolphin action to swim it correctly. The basis for the stroke is a correct dolphin action, NOT a dolphin kick....

Comprehension monitoring, known as checks for understanding (CFU) ,has been consistently related to learning in classroom contexts...

Learning Sports And Physical Activity Skills
Teachers who understand how students learn have a distinct advantage: they can teach in ways that maximize student's learning while...

Integrating Mindfulness in Your Classroom Curriculum
Now more than ever, teaching mindfulness in the classroom is a necessity. Our children are stressed and anxious. Teachers and parents are...