How to teach Beginners to Flip Turn
Competitive swimming training is usually done in a swim pool, and that means endless laps! Every time we get to the wall, the most...

Freestyle Basics (Part 2)
BOTTLE DRILL Instead of using a kickboard, you will now use your empty warm bottle. Make sure the cap is screwed on well so that no water...

Front Crawl Drills and Breathing rules
Flutter Kick Deck Drills - good for warm-ups Stand on a step or side of the pool if possible so one leg can swing back and forth without...

Freestyle Basics (Part 1)
FLOAT FIRST Your first exercise is floating on your stomach. Float and look down at the bottom of the pool; try to have your legs up near...

When Dolphin kick isn’t dolphin kick
Butterfly needs to have a dolphin action to swim it correctly. The basis for the stroke is a correct dolphin action, NOT a dolphin kick....

Teaching Swimmers Breaststroke for the First Time
Teaching young age group or novice high school swimmers how to swim legal and pretty breaststroke is a good challenge requiring a...

During training it is best for the coach to introduce components of the stroke rather than teaching/coaching long distances or repeats of...

How do you react when a beginner falls in?
Most group lessons are filled with 3-6 year old beginners. A large portion of classes is teaching level one, or what we call "Going...

BODY POSITION As in all strokes the body must be horizontal and streamlined. The teacher/coach must make sure the swimmer can push off...

Improving Breaststroke Technique
If a swimmer swims with poor balance in breaststroke and their head needs to get lower I recommend these drills: Granny Breaststroke. ...