Five fail-safe ways to silence a noisy class
If you struggle to get your students’ attention during lessons, try these nifty ideas that can be used effectively with students aged...
USE POSITIVE INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES Most converts to a contemporary PE model agree that the greatest curriculum in the world, if taught...
Creating a Learning Environment
“Failure to prepare is preparing to fail” Good teachers are always in a state of preparation. Being alert to new approaches and fresh...
Maintaining Order
Once established, the order of the learning environment must be maintained for learning to proceed progressively and smoothly....
Establishing Order
The first task of any teacher is to structure the learning environment so that teaching and learning can take place without confusion or...
Motivational Tools
Motivating students to listen and learn and remain on task is not an easy thing to do. All teachers, of course, hope to present lessons...
Effective Classroom Managers Do These 5 Things
- MINDSET Effective classroom managers know that they are in charge. They expect to be listened to. They respect students and command...