Establishing Order
The first task of any teacher is to structure the learning environment so that teaching and learning can take place without confusion or...
How do you react when a beginner falls in?
Most group lessons are filled with 3-6 year old beginners. A large portion of classes is teaching level one, or what we call "Going...
Volleyball Warm-ups
The goal of a warm-up is to stimulate blood flow in the body. This will increase the body's temperature to permit adequate stretching and...
Teaching Styles in Physical Education
Students vary in their levels of skill proficiency, maturity, independence, responsibility, and other aspects that impact their ability...
BODY POSITION As in all strokes the body must be horizontal and streamlined. The teacher/coach must make sure the swimmer can push off...
Kinesthetic Learning: Moving Toward a New Model for Education
How do people learn? Research has found that it is our learning process, not our intelligence, that is the most important factor in...
Creative Games for Beanbag Activities (Part 1)
BANK THE BEANBAG - Beanbags of different colors; - Targets (trash cans or buckets) inside the activity area; - Polyspots surrounding each...
10 Quick-and-Easy Methods to Check for Understanding
A huge part of teaching involves determining student levels of understanding. As teachers check for understanding, they are able to...
How to overcome three major challenges as a Rugby Coach
1. Educating about improvement, not winning at all costs. This is a big one, hence why it comes in first. A lot of players (not...
Think / Pair / Share
Think - give pupils a task to do or question to answer individually, use mini whiteboard to write down ideas. Pair - make a pair with...