Creating a Learning Environment
“Failure to prepare is preparing to fail” Good teachers are always in a state of preparation. Being alert to new approaches and fresh...
Can Students Really Peer Teach?
As part of the Instructional Methods for PE (IM4PE) within my #PEPLC group I decided to research further into the use of one type of...
Maintaining Order
Once established, the order of the learning environment must be maintained for learning to proceed progressively and smoothly....
Comprehension monitoring, known as checks for understanding (CFU) ,has been consistently related to learning in classroom contexts...
Learning Sports And Physical Activity Skills
Teachers who understand how students learn have a distinct advantage: they can teach in ways that maximize student's learning while...
Elementary Gymnastics Physical Education Lessons: Stations and Circuits
Gymnastics is a terrific activity, especially at the elementary level. It develops areas such as spatial awareness, body awareness,...
Animal warm-up
Add some fun and creativity to your warm-ups with this animal warm-up. It is perfect for your youngest students! Set up 4 or more cones...
Use Questioning to Extend Students' Thinking
When questioning students, teachers need to require more than simple recall. While recall of facts is important, teachers should actively...
20 Simple Ideas for Kindergarten P.E. with Minimal Equipment
1. STAR JUMPS. No equipment. All class. Warm-up: Say ‘Arms out!’ and jump, landing with your arms and legs out like a star. Shout ‘Arms...
Establishing Order
The first task of any teacher is to structure the learning environment so that teaching and learning can take place without confusion or...