Make Every Minute Count... Including the First One!
Do you make every minute with your students count? Even the first one? Continue reading for three simple and quick ways to get your...

Why Teach Dance?
I had a long conversation with a frustrated father last week. He wants his son to study in the library instead of coming to physical...

Motorskill Development: 3 Key Facts
"There are more and more children of age 6-8 trying out a sport that lack the required fundamental motor skills to enjoy and fully...

Keep the Class Flowing
A well-run class has a vitality that is obvious to the most casual observer. But how that energy is infused or maintained in the lesson...

How to Create a Learning Environment in PE!
What's on the walls in your gym?! Are they bare or maybe covered with sport stars and athletes? Find out how to take your boring gym...

The Tempo of Teaching (Part 1)
GETTING FOCUSED Momentum results when two or more people work together toward a common goal. In the case of teaching, the teacher and...

Ball Games for PE lessons
Ball games should meet the needs of all students, not just the athletically gifted. Use a selection of balls with a variety of weights...

Teaching Personal/Social Management Skills in Physical Education
In physical education, curricular requirements such as fitness development, motor skills and health knowledge must be pursued with vigor....

Steps For Planning a Lesson
Planning is a key ingredient in the development of a good lesson. To varying degrees, teachers plan before, during, and after a lesson....

Team Challenge Maze
Setup: Use cones/coloured spots and place them down to form a grid that is 5×5 cones, thus a total of 25 cones used. I usually allow 1m...